When a game has been around as long as World of WarCraft has, there are a thousand and one memes swirling through its community circles. The WoW community has always had a fine assortment of memes. With the release of Classic came some of the finest ever seen. It's also nice to see people meme about experiences many players remember from vanilla.

It's easy to come across a wide assortment of WoW-centric memes, but it's more difficult to find the truly hilarious ones. Sometimes it takes a bit of research or just patience while someone else builds a list of the best.

10 By Elune, Let Me In

Night Elf Let Me In World of WarCraft

Thanks to comedian Eric Andre and his sketch show, this popular scene even made its way into the WoW community. Reddit user punkrawkstar of the r/wow subreddit posted this gem of a Night Elf desperately trying to get into Searing Gorge. The problem is that in Classic, players need a key for entry.

It's a cheeky meme, more than likely targeted at newer players unfamiliar with some of the intricacies of the vanilla days. Keys are such a big deal in Classic, the UI actually has a section called the keyring, which houses all collected keys. Looks like this player has yet to collect the Key to Searing Gorge.

Pokémon exist in Azeroth and it's now canon! Not really, but there are various, chitinous shields in the game with extraordinary armor for their level. What's more interesting is that they look quite similar to Metapod. Could it be a super subtle reference? It's no secret the game has plenty of weird ones.

One of the staple abilities of Metapod in the Pokémon games is Harden, a Normal-type move that boosts defense. With this in mind, it's not difficult to imagine using the Cocoon Pokémon as a heroic shield.

8 We Have A Need, A Need For Teeth

The need for speed takes on a whole new meaning when a horse runs so fast that it loses its teeth. At least that's what one World of WarCraft player found when taking a closer look at their mount. While the graphic fidelity of these horses isn't exactly detailed, at least some notion of the existence of teeth would suffice.

The weird thing is that the slower version of the mount actually has visible teeth. It begs the question of what exactly happened t the faster steeds. Do Stormwind Stable Masters pluck the teeth of their most prized horses for better aerodynamics?

7 Where's My Phat Lootz?

RNG is a cruel demon hellbent on making players farm hundreds of raid runs. This is especially true with the final boss of Ahn'Qiraj, known simply as C'Thun. As a tentacled old god, not dissimilar to C'Thulhu, C'Thun was at one time an impossibly difficult boss. That difficulty was made even more painful with the rather lackluster rewards players earned.

Fast-forward to the era of Classic, and while C'Thun is much easier now, he still refuses to drop that good loot. With Naxxrammas around the corner and John Finlay looking a lot better these days, maybe the loot will also improve.

6 You Are Now Prepared

It's dangerous out there. Slap a full set of raid buffs on before driving around the city. At least that's what this person did. Judging by several of the buffs, it's a safe assumption that they're a Warlock, maybe. If not a Warlock, then a Priest. If not that, then the intent is simply to get people to read too much into it, in which it succeeded.

Either way, it's a really awesome decal and equally fantastic meme. Make Illidan proud by not leaving home without a set of raid buffs.

5 Can't Touch The Bottom

Gnomes make up the shortest race in Azeroth. As such, life presents a few more difficulties for them than the average person. One of them comes in the form of harvesting materials underwater. Even in the shallows, the water level rises far above their head, making every gathering attempt a race against time.

It's a stressful life for a Gnome, making it no wonder why they turn to technology over magic in most cases. Every step is a climb and every harvesting attempt could be the last.

4 Poor Rexxar

Rexxar is a big name in the WarCraft universe despite his few appearances. He only makes himself known when absolutely necessary or when the Horde needs him most. Over the years, people ask about Rexxar's whereabouts. He disappears so frequently, but where does he go?

What they don't ask is how is Rexxar? Is he okay? Maybe that's why he refuses to stick around for long. No one seems to really care about the old Orc. So he spends his days alone, deep in the wilderness, with his animal companions. They're the ones that truly care.

3 Carol Baskin At It Again

The Tiger King knows when enough is enough. Or does he? Either way, girlfriends just don't get it. During the middle of a huge grind to level 60, there's just no time for a movie. Business is business and it must get done. She's obviously just asking for way too much.

World of WarCraft is not just a hobby. It's not a career, either. World of WarCraft is life. It can't simply be interrupted by a Lifetime holiday movie special. There's just no time when level 60 is the goal. The Karen love story will have to wait.

2 Together Forever In Azeroth

With the pandemic keeping many people at home, the world of online gaming has an interesting way of bringing them back together. This player from Italy hadn't seen his friend group in a month, but they get to play in Azeroth together. There's something really inspiring about that.

It's still funny that no matter what's happening in the world, nothing stops gamers from getting back into Azeroth. As bad as things get in real life, everyone has a virtual home to go back to. Even when forced to further develop a romantic relationship through the lens of a fantasy world.

1 Nearly Two Decades Later...

Nearly two decades later, and there's one mystery in World of WarCraft no player has found the answer to. And that is why are they still in combat? It's a bug that's been around since the beginning. After killing an enemy, players find that they're still locked in combat. When the game believes the player remains in combat, there's very little they can do. In fact, players can't even log off.

This creative meme exemplifies that feeling in a way other mediums simply couldn't articulate. Masterful meme work here, truly.

NEXT: 10 Retro Mario Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words